A Healthy Breakfast Alternative for the Fall Season

Sebastian DeRosia

Why are we sharing a recipe? At Eden Labs we strive to promote healthy bodies, minds, communities and environments. While we're experts in building extraction and distillation systems, we're also everyday people. We seek healthy food without sacrificing taste - and when we come across something great, it feels good to share it.

We hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did preparing it for you.

A Healthy Breakfast Alternative for the Fall Season

As the weather begins to cool off and the rainy skies appear here in Seattle, I begin to feel drawn toward more introspection. I have always thrived in fall, probably why such a huge part of me has loved growing up here in the Pacific Northwest. We are all drawn to different places in the world for different reasons, Washington holds a unique energy that many grow to love.

Sun guilt no more.

Fall to me is the perfect time for self-reflection and improvement, a time for buckling down and getting the indoor tasks done that were put off over the sun filled months of summer. It’s the time of year that we seek to be our most productive selves. With that in mind we want a nourishing healthy breakfast to start the day, while at the same time the convenience of prep that doesn’t disrupt your day.

I’m pleased to be able to share this delicious fall recipe with you. I could eat this recipe everyday of the week, I hope you feel the same. This recipe is grain free, gluten free and dairy free. It will leave you full and satisfied until lunch with healthy fats and highly bioavailable protein. When I prepare recipes I am very hands on, if my hands can do it I will opt for them over a knife. I think it’s important for us to have contact with the food we prepare, and while doing so flooding the mind with positive thoughts. While preparing food I am also mindful of waste. Many of the most healthful parts of different fruits and veggies are often thrown away!

Cauliflower Porridge

Base Ingredients

→ 1 medium head of cauliflower

→ 2 cans of Organic Coconut Cream Premium

→ 1/4 cup Grass Fed Collagen Protein

Seasoning to Taste

→ Salt

→ Pepper

→ Cayenne pepper (I like to start my morning off with some kick!)

Gear Needed

Immersion Blender

This is an essential tool for your kitchen, it has so much versatility and easy clean up.


  1. In a medium saucepan pour the two cans of coconut cream (including the coconut water, they naturally separate) and then break up the florets and cauliflower leaves, cover with lid. You can also add your additional spices and salt at this point, this way you get good infused flavor. 
  2. Cook on medium-low heat until very tender, around 20 minutes, you can check them with a fork periodically to test for readiness.
  3. Once everything is nice and tender, remove from heat and let cool slightly, then use your immersion blender to puree into a porridge-like consistency. Stir in the collagen protein at this point.
  4. This is a great recipe to top with a variety of things, Pili nuts, hazel nuts, I’ve even topped it with homemade pesto.
The Immersion Blender at Work
Consider a variation of the porridge using broccoli
The final product - for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

October 19, 2016